Friday, September 29, 2017

Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.

I'm all in the last part of this week.  I'm driving the learning of my students.  It's an investment in my future.

We are working on our first DBQ.  It's an adventure story about Cabeza de Vaca.  There's death, slavery, shipwrecks, surgery, long walks in the wilderness, and ultimately, survival.  Lucky for us, Mr. Cowhead(as I lovingly call him), wrote a book.  He was the rockstar of his time, both here in New Spain and Europe.  I don't know how many books he sold, but he left us an incredible gift in La Relacion.

A DBQ is a Document Based Question.  We give the students a question.  We give them primary source documents.  Most importantly, we give them time to consider the evidence and then require them to answer the question.

We get to see them think.  We get to see them discuss.  We get to see their thinking on paper.  Isn't that the true definition of learning?  I sure hope so because these days are what keep me going.

As the year progresses, we will ask questions about the Alamo, Civil Rights, Sam Houston, and the Dust Bowl.  Along with these questions will be ample documentation and time to consider and formulate  answers.

After these 3 or 4 days, the expectations will be established and the mold set.  I can't wait for our next DBQ and to watch our students wander off into History to witness it and then explain how it played out.  Most importantly, I hope they enjoy the ride.


"Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says, I'm Possible."
-Audrey Hepburn

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